Thursday, October 4, 2007

Not making decisions today

Have seen many more apartments but haven't made any decisions yet! Last night, Thursday night, was the official start of the weekend here, kind of feels like college again. Chris and I had to go to the mall again after we went out with an estate agent to look at villas. The villas we saw were clearly on the low end of things, some doors were even broken and there was trash everywhere. It was depressing and freaky, the roads all looked the same like the Truman show. It seemed like you would have to leave bread crumbs on your way to work so that you could find your way home. The only good thing about them was they had backyards so they would be perfect for a dog. Anyway the estate agents dropped us off at a City Centre in the older section of Dubai. It seemed like more local mall with more residents and less tourists. Chris needed a cell phone so we got that and since fast had broken we grabbed some food and headed back to the hotel. Since it is the weekend the rooftop bar was open so we headed up there for some shiha (hookah) overlooking the skyline of Dubai. Normally they have live music and a bar but because of Ramadan they don't. They make wonderful non-alcoholic drinks there but we just had apricot shiha. We are working our way through the fruits. While we were there we met the head of security for the hotel, a man from Nigeria who was born and schooled in Ghana. We got to speak a bit of Twi and reminisce about Ghana. He told us Dubai is nice too because it is peaceful and easy but better for making money. From the rooftop we headed over to the Meridian hotel which has a wonderful tiki style bar on the beach. It was crowded with tourists and expats. We fought the crowds and headed down to the beach huts and relaxed. It was great, it was actually my first time on the sand of the beach because we have been so busy. I did see a rat on the beach though, some of you know how terrified I am of rodents but the couple of drinks helped to numb my fear. Then we met up with a friend of Chris's from work. He is from Montreal and started one week earlier than Chris. We have been having fun hanging out with him and some people he knows through friends, school etc. The crowd was pretty wild for what we have seen in Dubai. I left Chris to go to the bathroom for a minute and an Australian girl grabbed his butt as an ancient mating ritual I guess! I will have to keep a closer eye on him...We then walked home, an almost impossible task with the construction, highways, median and lack of sidewalks but we were determined. We didn't get home until almost three and we slept until noon today- we desperately needed the sleep. Now we are off to lunch and then....the mall of course. Chris needs a small carry on for his suits because he leaves for Saudi on Sunday for work. We are just hoping to make a housing decision tomorrow so that it won't drag out past his trip. So summary of life so far: if you need anything you have to go to a mall, there are no small shops and if you need a drink you have to go to a hotel!

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