Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bridge to bridge

This morning I rode a short distance over the bridge to Palm Jumeriah for my first bridge lesson. Our guy friends are very mad at me because they say I will never meet any cute single women for them at bridge games. I have always wanted to learn how to play bridge and someone invited me to join a beginners group so I figured why not? I may not always have such a free schedule and until we are in an apartment and I have a visa I can't look for a job so I am going to make the most of it. After playing bridge (I know some people are probably still laughing) I had to head over to our new apartment for more delivery mayhem. This time I had a book. I am so excited... Chris comes back tomorrow but this time he is only here until Saturday morning so I want to have a great weekend planned before he gets home. We already bought tickets to see Kayne West (from the west side of Chicago near where I used to teach) and Ziggy Marley at a desert music festival. It should be fun. Tomorrow morning I am going to a warehouse to bargain for a dining room table. We never had one in Chicago and we definitely need one in our new apartment so I am hoping I have luck.

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