Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The office/library that may become the baby's room. We haven't decided which room to modify and will wait a while to decide. We already have a moses basket as they call them here for him (yes we are having a boy!!!) and know that he will be in with us for a little while before he moves into his very own room.

We had our ultrasound last week and found out that we are clearly having a boy...I sort of miss the suspense but it is amazing to start thinking about the parenting role in terms of gender. And I keep picturing just a very small version of Chris , I can tell already that he has his father's kicking ability...I have a hard time falling asleep at night with all the action in there! To answer a very common question I keep getting these days- we haven't picked a name yet and y'all will just have to wait until he is born, we have to to keep something a secret to keep you interested!

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