Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Most recent belly picture

I am 22 weeks now- official start of 6th month. I know I still have a long way to grow but right now the size is perfect...people know I am pregnant but moving around is not cumbersome yet. Occasionally I find myself contorting my body in some weird way to reach something and having to stop myself because things have changed and my balance is not what it used to be but I am enjoying every second of this new experience. I have almost forgotten about how sick I was in the beginning...not quite but almost. I just love taking a break every so often and lying down and feeling him kick. I had to have a random pedicure lady take this picture yesterday since Chris was working late and I felt cute in my new dress.
I am off to work right now- first day back in a couple of weeks because my boss was in Beirut covering the conflict. Big news to end with: I will land in Boston on the 27th- arrival time TBA asap to the people that I hope will pick me up (or will you make me take the bus?)


Dorothy said...

Woah, you're growing boobies :-)

I figure I'll be in Dubai around July 10 or 11. I don't know if you'll be back by then or not.

alison said...

love the dress!