Thursday, May 15, 2008

The baby gets political

I am not much for "bump" humor or using your children to express yourself but I really couldn't resist this t-shirt. I am such a dork though because I had to order it in the US and have my mom bring it over. It is a fun attention getting shirt and gets a lot of support from people here. The whole world is certainly watching with a lot of interest to see what is going to happen with this big election and those crazy super delegates.
Other baby updates:
Our big ultrasound is next week, it was meant to be this week but because of someone's crazy work schedule it had to be changed (not mine of course)
The baby moves around a lot, in fact I find myself worrying that it isn't getting enough sleep (mothers worry a lot huh?) and often I can feel it on the outside now. Chris got to feel it for the first time two nights ago and it was really cool. Most of the movement happens after dinner and now that is my favorite time of day when I just sit and relax and picture all the acrobatics it is up to.
Well, I think that brings things up to date around here. It is 5pm on a Thursday. Chris is still at work and I am about to do a little bit of work and then head out to my yoga class. I love going on Thursday nights, it is a nice relaxing way to start the weekend. It is fun to look around and realize there are actually 2 people for each person stretching and moving, the room is filled with so much Zen energy and life, it is really a nice experience. Yoga has been part of my life for so long now and it is really cool to develop my practice in a different way now. It is soothing that way because yoga is really a life practice that you can do until you are very old so it remains a constant.
Oh, the other big news is the doctor approved me flying back to Dubai at 31-32 weeks after Lauren's wedding so as long as nothing changes I am good to go. I plan on heading to MA the last weekend in June before Chris and I am really excited because it is not far away at all!


alison said...

that shirt is too cute!
so glad you got approved and can't wait to see you!

Dorothy said...

Aw man, that means you won't be there when I fly over. Shucks. Hopefully we'll get to meet up when I'm coming to or from R&R.