Thursday, May 15, 2008

Last weekend

I had some problems with the blog throughout the week so am forced to backtrack a it is the weekend already. I think I should go by way of Conison and use this wordpress blog site that all the cool kids seem to be using. Well, last weekend was our first really social one in quite some time. Life is really great right now- I don't ever feel sick anymore and I seem to have a lot of energy. I feel the need to fill each day as much as possible and enjoy this relaxing and miraculous time (and my last few months of complete freedom for some time)! My work has been slow lately so I have been filling my time with coffee mornings with other pregnant women, attending prenatal yoga classes, writing, walking and today I even had a personal training session at my gym with a woman certified in prenatal workouts that started at 8am. Chris was thrilled that I got out of bed before him. The other activity I have been enjoying a lot more is eating out. I didn't want to set foot in a restaurant for almost 3 months so it has been fun to actually enjoy regular food again. I hope I never have to have chicken noodle soup or saltines again. Last weekend we went out with our friend Christos and his girlfriend, Nicky, whom he wanted us to meet. They originally met when they were 16 in Greece and were reunited recently through facebook...modern matchmaking at its best. We went to the One and Only Royal Mirage which is my favorite hotel in Dubai because it has a lot of grass covered grounds and smells like flowers. It also has a really classy, soothing atmosphere that isn't gilded or tacky. I feel like I am in Bali when I go there. We ate at the Arabic court and enjoyed what are the last remaining nights one will be able to sit outside and enjoy the air. Afterwards we went to the rooftop bar and met up with a lot of other people Chris works with. I enjoyed some mocktails and we didn't get home until about 2- a record for me since New Years I think. The next night we enjoyed a very small world experience. An old friend of my Uncle Bobby's has a daughter that recently moved to Dubai with her husband and since Tamme, the mother was visiting he gave them our email and we all met up. It was so nice to meet people from North Brookfield that happen to live here in Dubai. They chose a small, independent Mexican restaurant that makes its own tortillas. Everyone who has been to Dubai knows that all of those things don't make sense here and it is an anomaly. It will probably be torn down soon! Now, I know the Deckers are probably mad that we didn't take them there so in my defense I have to say-it's not as good as our old Chicago Mexican favorites AND the biggie...they don't serve alcohol. Not a problem for me of course... So on top of all that eating and socializing last weekend we also managed to get some swims and walks on the beach in because the days for that are also very numbered. During the day it is about 100-102 degrees now so it's getting close to unbearable. You might be thinking that it can't be too hot to go swimming but really without any shade or wind it really is.

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