Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fun Fridays!

Yesterday Chris and I got up and took a good morning swim in the ocean before heading down to the Dubai creek (Old Dubai) to see the Flugtag (a contest where people build vessels with themes and try to "fly" them off a pier into the creek. There were families from all different cultures at the park enjoying the entertaining and silly show. We took a gondola ride that went along the creek which gave us a great view of the older part of Dubai. It wasn't scary until it stopped now and then and I was so grateful one of those times was not when we were passing over the highway...Afterwards Chris and I went to the gold souk and wandered around feeling as though we traveled around the world. One neighborhood would be African, one Chinese, one Indian etc. It was really fun to hear so many languages, see so many colors and clothing and learn to buy many things that are not necessary now but will be useful later on (from textiles to new tires)! Today we spent the whole day at the beach before Chris left for Saudi. The painters were just here to drop off the ladders and paint and they are coming back in the morning to start the living/dining room.

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