Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Year Resolution- a little late!

My blog just kept getting ignored for too long so I am determined to get it going again! Since Alessandro turned one (7 months ago) our family has been busier and busier. With his increasing independence has come more activities for him, for me and for all of us as a family. Chris and I have had more nights out alone and with friends. I also began doing yoga again after a long hiatus. In all of this activity writing has gone on the backburner and I hope to get it going again.
Some new updates in our family-
1) Chris is currently working in the Netherlands and is enjoying a much needed respite from Saudi Arabia. He gets to walk places, eat real food in real restaurants and go to Amsterdam on the weekends. On the downside: he is still working crazy hours and he is away from us for 10 days at a time. It has not been easy for anyone but we are making the most out of the travel opportunities. Alessandro and I just got back from visiting him in Maastricht and taking a trip to Paris for Easter.
2) Alessandro and I attend a music class once a week- it is all about trains this term and he thourghly enjoyed seeing the class come to life on our European train rides!
3) Alessandro also takes a swim class once a week and I can't be in the pool with him anymore- he prefers to be alone with the teacher. Mommy is almost not needed these days.
4) There is a lot of talking going on in our house. If you skype us you will probably only hear wow or cow but I promise he has lots of other words. Uh-oh is a favorite. Car and ball play a big role and his newest words are tickle and baby. There are lots of others but he tends to have a favorite a week that is in heavy rotation. Chris and I have noticed that his language is starting to come together a lot like a puzzle from different directions and it is so exciting to witness.
5) Climbing is a new pasttime for him so he is truly earning his nickname "monkey". We have had some scary falls but luckily he is always ok after a short cuddle.
6) We have lots of friends in the neighborhood for him to play with which is very nice. We are never short of something to do around here and are just dreading the summer weather which is fast approaching. In the past couple of months we have made friends with a few other couples that all have a Peace Corps or Thunderbird history or both- our kids are all the same age and we all live in the neighborhood so not much planning is needed for a nice get together.
I hear some intense activity coming from Alessandro's room so it is time to begin the day- it is almost 9am so I can't complain but what I wouldn't give for a day to do nothing- toddlers don't really sit around and have lazy days!

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