Friday, April 9, 2010


Upon arriving in Germany Alessandro and I traveled by car to Maastricht. Alessandro slept the whole way and I chatted up front with our driver, Bettina. Bettina owns a limo service with her husband and they almost exclusively drive Booz consultants around the area. When they are not driving their beautiful fleet of Mercedes they travel by motorhome all around Europe. She told me that the hotel Chris stays in is really special but I was completely unprepared for how special it was. The Kruisherenhotel is a renovated cloister that merges modern minimalism with a historic exterior. Every hotel room is different but none of them feel like hotel rooms. Each room comes with a book of poetry and all of the poems are about the concept of home or house. The Netherlands were one of my favorite destinations in Europe when I was living in England and it wasn't just because of the coffee shops! I was happy to realize that I still love it for all the same reasons and despite all the places I have been since then and all the changes in my life I still felt somewhat the same there. I still get mistaken for being Dutch and I still think the culture is logical and straightforward yet inviting. The Dutch seem at ease with everything and we felt very comfortable there.

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