Monday, April 7, 2008

A month after my last promise

Well, I didn't feel better for a little longer than I had hoped and trust me, there was nothing to write about, nothing you would want to read anyway. Luckily,my family still talked to me endlessly to hear all about my trials with morning sickness but I saw no need to subject innocent readers to the horrors of my first trimester...but the day has come that I do actually feel better. The spring is back in my step, I feel my sparkle and sass returning by the day and it is now safe for me to venture out in public without freaking people out by being hunched over a waste basket. Dubai is not New York or Chicago, you don't see weird stuff. You might see camels and fully covered women but you don't see crazy people or people puking in public! Not a whole lot is new over here. Chris is working on a local project which had me jumping with first. But really I don't see him any more than I did when he was in Saudi. He leaves before I can get up in the morning and comes home after I am asleep. Now, if I didn't have the sleeping needs of a baby or a very elderly person it might help but I am not much of a napper so I try to get my baby growing sleep at night. So, I still miss my husband! I am still working part-time for a news correspondent but she is on vacation right now so my job is primarily administrative at the moment. She comes back when my mom gets here (can't wait) and I am taking the week off so it might be a while before I get to do anything real exciting. I joined a pregnancy social group of sorts. We have coffee once a week and chit chat about all the things our other friends/husbands are probably sick of hearing about. All the other girls are a bit further along than me so I am getting the lowdown on all the strollers and car seats...they will have their babies before me too so I can actually get real life feedback on what you really need before we actually have to buy all this stuff. I think that is about it for updates. The weather is getting hotter by the day, I want to book some overnight trips to other emirates before it gets too hot and I need to start planning stuff for my mom's visit but I was just waiting to see how I felt. I really want to do a boat/snorkeling cruise but perhaps I still don't have my sea legs back? Time will tell.


alison said...

glad to hear you're feeling better!

Dorothy said...

Glad the puking has subsided. I mean, really, no one likes to puke. And no one wants to have to watch someone puke, in public or in private!