Sunday, December 9, 2007

In the spirit of Christmas from my soapbox

Yes, it is that time of year again. I wish the holidays were a little bit later in a way because I just don't feel ready. One can't help but feel guilty when seeing the masses of privileged people out and about spending when so many have so little so here is my two cents for money spending ideas since I know people are reading.
This reversible carryall bag sells for 59.99 and gives more than half to the UN World Food program. The donated portion gives one hungry child in Africa a lunch at school everyday for one year. Pretty cool.
Last night we watched a program on corruption in Africa that showed how corruption trickles down from the highest levels to even children in schools who have to pay to have their papers graded. This organization is trying to fight it and is worth a look:
Back to life in Dubai where today I went to the bank, waited in several lines to get an application for an additional credit card for the bank account Chris and I have only to be told that he needs to sign the application and then waited in another line for the car loan process. The woman in front of me was dressed head to toe in black-black velvet jacket, gold sweater, black pants and black suede boots. Sure, it has cooled down a bit but come is still about 80 degrees. Anyway, she was paying cash for a Bentley. Crazy Dubai. The one cool thing about the bank is I did get ushered in front of one line for being a woman and the women at the bank have the bank logo emblazoned on their Shayla (head scarf) in crystal like beads. So pretty.

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