Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Christmas corner

Chris and I got a car this weekend and were able to do lots of errands and get tons accomplished. We were able to find a decent Christmas tree and it has helped to get us both in the mood a bit more. It is just hard to feel Christmasy when you are in hot weather with a predominately Muslim population. This is our living area in our apartment, it is coming along. I drove for the first time today. Nothing groundbreaking since I have been driving for a lot of years but a different experience. It is strange to live somewhere, to feel familiar with it, for it to feel like home and then to have it feel totally different again. It is a whole new Dubai when you are driving in it. This morning it was just me and all the taxis. I felt like I was in an arcade game and they were my obstacles. Within two minutes I was passed on the right by a bus so you really have to pay attention. It is just hard to gauge how fast to go over all the stop signs here. Tonight after I safely parked our car and breathed a huge sigh of relief at passing my first day of driving I started to walk towards our elevator. A taxi driver started following me and honking his horn. I honestly didn't think anything of it and tuned it out. Finally he pulled up next to me and shoved his cell phone in my ear. I found a very flustered woman on the phone trying to explain to the taxi driver where she was. Having been this woman MANY times I graciously helped both parties and walked away feeling satisfied thinking about how much language barriers really mess up communication. The driver was mad because the woman said she was outside, she was mad because she was outside but they were on two different levels of the parking garage and that was the most important part...lost in translation. Tonight I went to a Christmas party at my friend Bea's and tomorrow I am going to Satwa to pick up curtains from the tailor and to hopefully find material for a few more things. I am also on the prowl for a tension rod so I can hang up a curtain in front of an open closet but it has been an elusive item to find. I am hoping to also finish Christmas shopping...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

just wanted to find a way to tell mr christopher to have a very happy birthday and to ask him how it feels to b soooo old???!!! lol