Monday, January 21, 2008

The dinner party

I really have to go get ready for work but have been sucked into computer stuff. I started two new blogs, they aren't ready for release yet but stay tuned. One is my journals from Africa, I have hundreds of pages of writing from each day in Ghana and have been trying to decide what to do with them for ages, I even typed them all up a while ago when we lived in TN so I am making a blog with them. The second one will be for all the other stuff I think and write about everyday but don't feel fits in with the theme of this blog...I don't want to lose my readers.

This is a photo of a dinner party we had last week. Chris was really tired so it was pretty low key. From left to right Andrea, Maria, Andres, Chris, Kristinia and Mauricio. Mauricio and Kristina had never met our other friends and thought they might all get along. Mauricio is from Mexico and Kristina is from Canada. It was great, I was excited to use my table to full capacity but Tomas got sick (Andrea's husband) so we had one empty seat. Later that night Chris fell asleep and I went out to meet Hanne and Roque for a drink at a hotel down the road. It is called the underground and is modeled after a London tube station. Not really all that glamorous in my opinion but I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder. It was however nice to catch up with them and on the way out we saw a famous Pakistani cricket player coming in to the hotel. It was also notably freezing outside for Dubai that night. The sun is moody lately so the desert gets really chilly at night, not Boston or Chicago cold but cold for here.

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