Sunday, April 11, 2010

Alessandro enjoying his Easter lunch at the castle cafeteria before his big egg hunt. He dined on spaghetti and salmon while Chris and downed some wine and bread. We should have been outside egg hunting in the sun instead of eating though because it was one of those days where every few minutes counted. Our egg hunt delay led to us missing our bus which led to having to wait for an expensive taxi which led to a later train...the typical joys of traveling that all add up and make you feel more satisfied at the end of the day because you worked so hard!


Papa deckair said...

That's my Boy. Yum Yum Yum!

Liz Kraft said...
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Liz Kraft said...

Alessandro, tell us more! Where were you? What were you eating? What had you just finished doing (before you ducked into this café)? We want to know all the juicy details! :)