Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Timing is everything...

Today was a great day but one that I learned 10 minutes can really make a huge difference with a baby. I am not really just learning this but today was a comedy of timing mishaps. Since returning from Christmas travels Alessandro has really entered the happy baby stage. He is smiling, showing off his dimples, bouncing in his stroller, belly laughing, chatting to himself, playing with toys and just overall continuing to be an angel baby. He almost never cries, goes to sleep when I put him down, takes 3-4 naps a day and eats on a predictable schedule- what more could a mom ask for? Like everything with motherhood though I know it will all change soon when we enter the inevitable world of solid foods...I can't believe my baby will be eating from a spoon soon! Anyway today on the way to grocery store (1st trip) we bumped into a woman from Turkey that I met when I first got back here with Alessandro. I haven't seen her in a while because she had a baby so we caught up and I continued on. I had the trip timed perfectly between his nap and his next feed. At the store I used a list in an attempt to be time efficient and visited the butcher first so that my meat would be ready when I finished shopping. Well after doing my shopping I went back to the butcher who remembered when he saw me that he was suppossed to be doing something for me. Well then he had to go get a huge slab of beef and cut it all up before giving me the tiny amount that I wanted, by this time my little angel was becoming impatient and jumping, squirming and whining inside his baby bjorn so the walk home was not fun. Luckily only a few tears were shed. After I got home and got him fed I realized that they had charged me for the Australian avocados and not the local ones (huge difference) so that led to grocery trip #2. Later after his late afternoon nap we ventured out for grocery trip #3 (luckily these are all a 5-20 min walk) because our grocery store here didn't have egg noodles or dill, two things I need for tomorrows dinner. You can never go to just one store here...so we ventured across the bridge to the brand spanking new Marina Mall and found egg noodles and fancy olives for Chris but still no dried dill...in the store Mr. Alessandro got a lot of attention and a woman who was 6mths pregnant started talking to us...forever...about strollers and all that baby stuff. She was so sweet but I knew I had to get going before he got too tired and what do you know about 10 min before we got home he fell asleep in the bjorn facing out which is not easy, with all the stuff to look at it is true defeat when he succumbs to sleep in that thing. I just didn't realize until today what a predictable little schedule he has fallen into- at least for now!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

and just as much, what a predictable schedule he has not put YOU in! haha! I totally get antsy if I am out with gwen close to nap time. I never want to disturb those precious mid-day hours of sleep!

and a guess on the meal: beef stroganoff?